Regulations of the Marine Department
On the certification of seafarers operating in ships engaged on near-coastal voyages and ships engaged on international voyages
B.E. 2565 (2022)
By virtue of Section 279 of the Navigation in Thai Waters Act B.E. 2456 (1913), amended by the Navigation in Thai Waters Act (No. 13), B.E. 2525 (1982)
the Marine Department considered that it is appropriate to revise the certification of seafarers, including level classification, certification method, courses, qualifications of applicants, examination and certification fees, issuing of certificate of competency and other details
on certification of seafarers operating in seagoing ships to be appropriate and in accordance with international standard. The Director General of the Marine Department, with approval
of the Minister of Transport, has issued the Regulations of the Marine Department on
the certification of seafarers operating in ships engaged on near-coastal voyages and
ships engaged on international voyages as follows:
Clause 1 These Regulations shall be called “Regulations of the Marine Department on the certification of seafarers operating in ships engaged on near-coastal voyages and ships engaged on international voyages B.E. 2565 (2022)”.
Clause 2 These Regulations shall come into force after 90 days of publication
in the Government Gazette onwards
Clause 3 Repeal the Regulations of the Marine Department on Training, Examination and Certification for Seafarers 2557 B.E. (2014).
All any regulations, announcement, rules or order which are contrary to or inconsistent herewith shall be superseded by these Regulations.
Clause 4 These Regulations shall apply to training institutes, companies
and seafarers of Thai vessels, except for seafarers of the following ships:
(1) Military ships and other official ships being used for non-commercial purposes;
(2) Fishing boats;
(3) Vessels for recreation or sports;
(4) Traditional wooden vessels;
Clause 5 The Director-General of the Marine Department, in the capacity of
the Marine Department, shall take charge under these Regulations and shall be empowered
to issue announcements, rules or order to prescribe details for practice in compliance
with these regulations.
Announcement and rules of these regulations can be enforced upon publication in the Government Gazette.
Clause 6 In these Regulations, unless otherwise provided herein:
“Convention” means the International Convention on Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping for Seafarers 1978 (STCW) and its amendments.
“Code” means Seafarers’ Training, Certification and Watchkeeping (STCW) Code annexed to the STCW Convention, including the annexes of the STCW Code.
“State Party” means a state party to the convention
“Approval” means the approval as prescribed herein.
“Seagoing Service” means the performance of duties on vessels in relation to
the issuing or renewal of certificates or other qualifications as prescribed herein and approved by the Director General.
“Documentary Evidence” means any document other than Certificate of Competency,
Certificate of Proficiency, Certificate of Endorsement, Certificate of Training and Medical Certificate which confirms that the qualifications are in accordance with the terms hereof.
“Security Duties” means the security duties as prescribed in Chapter XI-2 of
the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea 1974 (SOLAS) and its amendments, and as prescribed in the International Ship and Port Facility Security Code (ISPS Code).
“Radio Regulations” means radio regulations as prescribed in the annexes of
the International Telecommunication Convention.
“Radio Duties” includes the performance of duties of watchkeeping, maintenance and technical repair, depending on each case, as prescribed in the Radio Regulations and
the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea 1974 (SOLAS)
and Recommendations of the International Maritime Organization, and its amendments.
“Certificate” means documents issued or approved, regardless of the title thereof, which is still enforced for entitlement to authorize or acknowledge the holder to perform actions as prescribed herein. Certificate includes the Certificate of Competency (CoC), Certificate of Proficiency (CoP), Certificate of Endorsement (CoE) and Certificate of Recognition (CoR).
“Certificate of Competency (CoC)” means document issued to the ship master or ship officers in accordance with Chapter 2 and Chapter 3 of these regulations, depending on each case, in order to operate on ship in the related capacity and function under the level of responsibility as specified therein.
“Certificate of Proficiency (CoP)” means document, in addition to the CoC, issued to the ship master, ship officers or ship crews to certify that the holder thereof has qualifications related to training, competency or seagoing service as prescribed herein.
“Certificate of Endorsement (CoE)” means document issued to the ship master or ship officers to certify that the holder thereof has the competency under Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4 and Chapter 5 hereof, depending on each case, in order to operate on ship in the related capacity and function under the level of responsibility as specified therein.
“Certificate of Recognition (CoR)” means document issued to the ship master or ship officers or ship crews holding the COC, COP or COR which is issued by the other state parties which have made agreement on certificates approval with Thailand depending on each case.
In order to verify that the COC, COP or COR issued by those state parties is equivalent to the certificate issued in accordance with this regulation.
“Certificate of Training (CoT)” means document that the approved training institutes issue to those who complete the approved courses.
“Medical Certificate” means document issued to the holders by hospitals registered to the Ministry of Public Health, regardless of the title of the document, to verify that the holder has health readiness to operate on ships in accordance with criteria, methods and requirements as prescribed by the Ministry of Public Health.
“Seagoing Vessel” means a vessel for seagoing operation.
“Ship” means ships engaged on international voyages or ships engaged on near-coastal voyages which do not navigate only in inland waters, internal waters or near sheltered waters, internal navigation zones or areas under port regulations.
“Ship Engaged on International Voyages” means a seagoing ship which
has unlimited navigation areas.
“Ship Engaged on Near-Coastal Voyages” means a seagoing ship which
has navigation areas in near-coastal areas as permitted in the ship’s license.
“Near-Coastal Voyages” means the voyages within near-coastal areas as per the
Map in Annex 3 of these regulations.
“Oil Tanker” means a ship constructed and used for loading of petroleum and/or petroleum products.
“Chemical Tanker” means a ship constructed or modified and used for loading of
any liquid products which in the List of Products specified in Chapter 17 of the International Bulk Chemical Code (IBC Code) under the International Convention for the Safety of Life
at Sea 1974 (SOLAS) and its amendments.
“Liquefied Gas Tanker” means a ship constructed or modified and used for loading of any liquefied gas which in the List of Products specified in Chapter 19 of the International Gas Carrier Code (IGC Code) under the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea 1974 (SOLAS) and its amendments.
“Passenger Ship” means a ship carrying more than 12 passengers.
“Ro-Ro Passenger Ship” means a passenger ship with roller loading space or special areas in accordance with the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea 1974 (SOLAS) and its amendments.
“Ship operating in polar waters” means a ship which has navigation areas in polar waters in accordance with The International Code for Ships Operating in Polar Waters
(Polar Code) of the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea 1974 (SOLAS)
and its amendments.
“Ships using Gases or other Low-flashpoint Fuels” means a ship constructed or modified to use gases or other low-flashpoint fuels for propulsion in accordance with
The International Safety for Ships using Gases or other Low-flashpoint Fuels (IGF Code)
of the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea 1974 (SOLAS) its amendments
“Polar Waters” means Arctic Waters and or the Antarctica areas as prescribed in Chapter XIV/1.2 to XIV/1.4 of the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea 1974 (SOLAS) and its amendments.
“Onboard Function” means categories of works, duties and responsibilities which are necessary for operability of vessels and safety of lives or marine environmental protection
as prescribed herein.
“Guard Duty” means operation of ship crews at operational level or management level who perform supervision duties on Deck Department or Engine Department.
“Standard of Competence” means the level of competency required to operate
the onboard functions as per the criteria prescribed herein.
“Management Level” means the level of responsibilities relating to the operation in positions of ship master, chief mates, chief engineer officers, second engineer officers in ship, and to ensure that all assigned responsibilities of onboard functions have been properly operated.
“Operational Level” means the level of responsibilities relating to the operation in positions which perform the guard duty on Deck Department or Engine Department, or radio officers in ship under the supervision of the management level, including direct supervision
of operation of all onboard functions assigned as per proper processes and under
the supervision of the management level.
“Support Level” means the level of responsibilities relating to onboard operations, duties and responsibilities as assigned and under the supervision of the operational level and
at the management level.
“Ship Crew” means those who have their positions operating in ships, including
ship master, ship officers, and ratings as prescribed in the Regulations of Ship Inspection under Section 277 of the Navigation in Thai Waters Act B.E.2456 (1913).
“Master” means the person who has the highest commanding authority on the ship.
“Ship officer” means ship crew in position of chief mates, chief engineer officers, second engineer officers, ship officers of navigation, ship officers of the engineering,
electro-technical officers, radio operators and ship security officers.
“Rating” means ship crew other than the ship master and ship officers.
“Chief Mate” means ship officers in the position subordinated to the ship master and responsible for the control of the ship when the ship master is unable to perform such duties.
“Deck Officer” means ship officers with qualifications as prescribed in Chapter 2.
“Rating as Able seafarer Deck” means the rating who has performed
the Deck Department duties and has the qualifications as prescribed in Chapter 2 of
these regulations.
“Radio Operator” means the person who has been licensed under the law governing radio and telecommunication business.
“GMDSS Radio Operator” means a person who has the qualifications as per
the provisions of Chapter 4 of these regulations.
“Ship Security Officer (SSO)” means ship crew which the company designates
the duties and responsibilities of security protection of the ship, including operation in accordance with the ship security plan approved by ship surveyor, and coordination with the Company Security Officer (CSO) and the Port Facility Security Officer (PFSO).
“Chief Engineer Officer” means the top-ranked engineer officer on the ship responsible for the ship propelling engine, machinery and all types of electrical devices on the ship
“Second Engineer Officer” means engineer officer on the ship in the position seconded to the chief engineer officer and responsible for the ship propelling engine, machinery and all types of electrical devices on the ship when the chief engineer officer is unable
to perform such duties.
“Engineer Officer” means ship officers with qualifications as prescribed in Chapter 3.
“Rating as Able seafarer Engine” means the rating who has performs engineering duties and has the qualifications as prescribed in Chapter 3 of these regulations.
“Electro-Technical Officer” means a ship officer who operates electro-technical works and has the qualifications as prescribed in Chapter 3 of these regulations.
“Electro-Technical Rating” means the rating who performs duties relating to electrotechnical works and has qualifications as prescribed in Chapter 3 hereof.
“Propulsion Power” means the maximum total continuous power of
the ship-propelling engine which appears in the Ship Register or documents of government vessels, displaying the propulsion power unit in kilowatts (kW).
“Month” means a calendar month or several periods of time, each equal to less than one month and totally equal to not less than 30 days.
“Company” means the ship owner or organization or any other person such as manager or bareboat charterer responsible for operation of the ship from the ship owner and person agreed to take the duties and responsibilities of the Company as prescribed in these regulations.
“Assessment Criteria” means the minimum requirements of the standard
of competency as prescribed in annexes of the code, as per the announcement of
the Director-General, to be used by the evaluator as the criteria for consideration and decision making of competency of the certificate applicant.
“Examination” means the measuring of competency levels by means of theoretical and practical examination.
“Assessment” means the assessment of competency from the results of examination, study and training, on-the-job training and operation as per the criteria prescribed
in these regulations.
“Training Record Book” means the record book of training and operation
of the navigation and engineering as prescribed as standard by the Director-General.
“In-Service Record Book” means the record book of actual operation during
the period of onboard operation, for the purpose of competency examination for certification of executive, operation and support levels of navigation and engineering, which has been standardized.
“Training Institutes” means college, institutes, university, educational unit or other public or private organizations with authorities and duties or objective of organization of education or training for ship crews.
“Director-General” means the Director-General of the Marine Department.
Clause 7 Any activity hereunder relating to the examination and assessment of
knowledge, accreditation of training Institutes, accreditation of educational and training courses, learning, monitoring of the learning standard, issuing of seagoing service certificates, issuing and renewal of certificates, and issuing of medical certificates shall be managed under the quality standard system.
(A) Classification of Competency:
Clause 8 Competency of ship crews is classified as per classes of certificates which is divided into certificates of ship crews in Deck Department, ship crews in the Engine Department and ship crews in other positions.
Clause 9 Classes of certificates for ship crews in Deck Department are as follows:
(1) For ships engaged on international voyages:
(1.1) Certificate of competency (CoC) of master on ships of 3,000 gross tonnage or more
(1.2) Certificate of competency (CoC) of master on ships of between 500 and 3,000 gross tonnage
(1.3) Certificate of competency (CoC) of chief mate on ships of 3,000 gross tonnage or more
(1.4) Certificate of competency (CoC) of chief mate on ships of between 500 and 3,000 gross tonnage
(1.5) Certificate of competency (CoC) of ship officers in charge of a navigational watch on ships of 500 gross tonnage or more
(2) For ships engaged on near-coastal voyages of 500 tonnage or more:
(2.1) Certificate of competency (CoC) of master on ships of between 500 and 3,000 gross tonnage engaged on near-coastal voyages
(2.2) Certificate of competency (CoC) of chief mate on ships between 500 and 3,000 gross tonnage engaged on near-coastal voyages
(2.3) Certificate of competency (CoC) of ship officers in charge of a navigational watch on ships of 500 gross tonnage or more engaged on near-coastal voyage
(3) For ships engaged on near-coastal voyages of less than 500 gross tonnage:
(3.1) Certificate of competency (CoC) of master on ships of less than 500 gross tonnage engaged on near-coastal voyages
(3.2) Certificate of competency (CoC) of ship officers in charge of a navigational
watch on ships of less than 500 gross tonnage engaged on near-coastal voyages
(4) For seagoing ships:
(4.1) Certificate of accreditation of GMDSS radio operator, GOC-type and ROC type
(4.2) Certificate of proficiency (CoP) of rating as able seafarer deck
(4.3) Certificate of proficiency (CoP) of rating forming part of a navigational watch
Clause 10 Classes of certificates for ship crews in Engine Department are as follows:
(1) Machine operators
(1.1) Certificate of competency (CoC)of chief engineer officer on ships powered by main propulsion machinery of 3,000 kW propulsion power or more
(1.2) Certificate of competency (CoC) of chief engineer officer on ships powered by main propulsion machinery of between 750-3,000 kW propulsion power
(1.3) Certificate of competency of second engineer officer on ships powered
by main propulsion machinery of 3,000 kW propulsion power or more
(1.4) Certificate of competency (CoC) of second engineer officer on ships powered by main propulsion machinery of between 750-3,000 kW propulsion power
(1.5) Certificate of competency (CoC) of ship officers in charge of an engineering watch on ships powered by main propulsion machinery of 750 kW propulsion power or more
(1.6) Certificate of proficiency (CoP) of rating as able seafarer engine
(1.7) Certificate of proficiency (CoP) of rating forming part of an engineering watch
(2) For electro-technical system operators including
(2.1) Certificate of competency (CoC) of electro-technical officer
(2.2) Certificate of proficiency (CoP) of electro-technical rating
Clause 11 Certificates under Clause 9 and Clause 10 are divided into 7 onboard
functions and 3 levels are as follows:
(1) Onboard functions
(1.1) Navigation
(1.2) Cargo handling and stowage
(1.3) Controlling the operation of the ship and care for persons onboard
(1.4) Marine engineering
(1.5) Electrical, electronic and control engineering
(1.6) Maintenance and repair
(1.7) Radio communication
(2) Levels including:
(2.1) Management level
(2.2) Operational level
(2.3) Support level
(B) Rights of Operation on the Ship:
Clause 12 The holder of certificate hereunder shall be entitled to operate in Thai vessel in the position, function and level as prescribed in the certificate and shall be able to operate in the specific navigation zones as per the announcement of the Director-General.
(C) Dispensation:
Clause 13 In case of necessity, the Director-General may issue a dispensation certificate to the holders of certificates of different levels as prescribed under Clause 9 and Clause 10 to operate on any ship for a period of not exceeding 6 months in positions that such people do not hold proper certificates so that they may be able to operate on ships. Regarding the consideration and approval thereof, the Director-General shall consider that such exemption shall not cause danger to people, property or the environment, and the certificate’s holder shall have proper qualifications for safe operation on the ship in the vacant positions. Such dispensation shall not apply to positions of ship master or chief engineer officer, except in case of force majeure where the Director-General may issue a certificate within the shortest time possible.
Regarding the dispensation in any position on the ship, it shall be only permitted to holders of certificates for operation in positions of one level lower than the vacant positions. In case that positions of one level lower than the vacant positions are not specified with requirements for any level of certificate, it shall be considered from qualifications and experiences, or tests of competency, so that such people shall be appropriate to operate in such vacant positions; provided that the license for exemption shall be in accordance with the form announced by the Director-General.
Certificate of one lower level under Paragraph 2 shall mean certificate used as qualifications in an application for issuing or certification of rights to operate in the certificate level of vacant positions; provided that holders of certificates with rights to operate in the near-coastal navigation waters may not be able to apply for a license for exemption of operation in international navigation waters.
Dispensation under Paragraph 1 shall not include GMDSS Radio Operator, which shall be subject to the Radio Regulations.
Clause 14The competency test method for ship crews shall be conducted by means of examination and assessment in the annexes of the code as per the announcement of the Director-General.
The Director-General shall appoint a Seafarers Examination and Assessment Steering Committee with authorities and duties to prescribe policy on competency test, provide the annual competency test plan, monitor and assess competency test, review and improve of
policy on competency test, review and propose for amendment of laws and regulations under
standard of not lower than those prescribed in the Convention and other related duties as prescribed by the Director-General.
The provisions governing meetings under the law on administrative procedure shall apply to the quorum of meetings, passing of resolutions and meeting regulations of the Committee.
Clause 15 Competency test methods for certificates in the Deck Department and the Engine Department in Chapter 2 and Chapter 3 shall be conducted on the basis of examination and assessment in the annexes of the code as per the announcement of the Director-General.
The Director-General shall appoint two Seafarers Examination and Assessment Committees, one for the Deck Department and one for Engine Department, with authorities and duties to examine and assess the competency of applicants for certificates. Members of the Committee must have appropriate knowledge, understanding and expertise of the testing topic or assessment of each level and must hold the certificate of training (CoT) of the training program for ship crew competency examination and assessment.
The provisions governing meetings under the law on administrative procedure shall apply to the quorum of meetings, passing of resolutions and meeting regulations of the Committee.
Clause 16 Competency test methods for certificate applicants in Chapter 4, Chapter 5 and Chapter 6 shall be conducted as per the announcement of the Director-General within the annexes of the code by government officials as assigned by the Director-General.
Clause 17 Regarding, the examination for issuing of certificates for ship master, ship officers and ratings in Chapter 2 and Chapter 3 hereof, the applicants may apply for makeup examination within a period of not exceeding 2 years as from the date of initial application for examination.
Clause 18 Competency test methods for applications of rights of additional operation in other positions as prescribed in Chapter 2 and Chapter 3 shall be conducted by government officials assigned by the Director-General.
Clause 19 Competency test methods for Thai nationals who have received certificates issued by other state parties for issuing of certificates shall be conducted by means of assessment of the Committee consisted of no more than 3 members appointed by the Chair of Seafarers Examination and Assessment Committees for Deck Department or Engine Department, depending on each case.
Clause 20 Competency test methods for Thai nationals who have received certificates issued by other state parties for issuing of certificates of competency (CoC)for ship master ship officers and GMDSS radio operator and certificates of proficiency (CoP) of liquid tankers and freight tanks for ship master and ship officers shall be conducted by means of assessment by officials of the Marine Department as assigned by the Director-General.
Training Courses:
Clause 21 Seafarers educational courses and training courses for applicants for certificates under these regulations shall be in accordance with the competency standard as prescribed.
The Director-General may adjust the competency standard for seafarers educational
courses and training courses for applicants of certificates of ship crews operating on near-coastal vessels, taking into account of impacts on the navigation safety, use of machines, including impacts on other vessels sailing in such navigation waters.
Clause 22 The Director-General shall appoint a Training Course Standard Committee consisting of the Deputy Director-General of the Marine Department as the Chairman and other members of the Committee must, at minimum, consist of representatives from related units under the Ministry of Education, representatives from related units under the Ministry of Labour, representatives of ship owners, representatives of seafarers, government officials of the Marine Department with related duties and responsibilities; whereas, the Director of the Seafarers Standard Division of the Marine Department shall act as member and secretary of the Committee, and the Committee may have no more than 2 secretary assistants.
The provisions governing meetings under the law on administrative procedure
shall apply to the quorum of meetings, passing of resolutions and meeting regulations of
the Committee.
Clause 23 The Training Course Standard Committee shall have authorities and duties, as follows:
(1) Prescribe, design and approve model courses for seafarers educational courses
and training courses of Thailand in accordance with IMO Model Course. In case which there is no IMO Model Course prescribed, it shall be in accordance with the standard prescribed in Annex 2 to Annex 6 of these regulations as per the announcement of the Director-General, including prescribe and design seafarers educational courses and training courses for those who have passed other seafarers educational courses and training courses or have had seagoing service; whereas, may be considered to be equivalent to some subjects or on-the-job training.
(2) Compare standards, audit and consider standard of training courses, places, equipment, qualifications, persons responsible for education and training and quality standard system of training Institutes applying for accreditation before proposing to
the Director- General.
(3) Audit supervise regulate and monitor the practices, operation including learning and teaching standard of the approved training Institutes of the approved training courses to be
in accordance with these regulations.
(4) Appoint sub-committees to operate under their powers and duties
(5) Perform other duties as assigned by the Director-General
(B) Approval of Seafarers Training Courses and Training Institutes:
Clause 24 Seafarers Training Institute, Seafarers educational courses and training courses for application of certificates hereunder shall be approved by the Director-General.
Certificates of approved training Institutes and training courses shall be valid for the period of 5 years and shall be in accordance with the form announced by the Director-General.
Criteria methods and conditions of approval under Paragraph 1 and conditions of revalidation under Paragraph 2 shall be in accordance with the regulations as prescribed by the Director-General.
Clause 25 Seafarers Training Institutes wishing to apply for approval of Institutes and training courses shall submit an application enclosed with documents, evidences and details as prescribed by the Director-General, which shall, at least, consist of:
(1) Organization Chart
(2) Details of training courses, including subjects in educational courses or training courses
(3) Details and qualifications of potential participants in the educational and training courses
(4) Details and qualifications of persons responsible for education and training courses
(5) Place, equipment and management of educational and training courses
(6) List of detailed comparison of items No. (2) - (5) of each course to be approved,
comparing with model courses approved by the Training Course Standard Committee.
(7) Quality standard system as prescribed in Clause 27
(8) Other documents as per the regulations prescribed under Clause 24
Clause 26 Upon having audited the training courses, place, equipment, qualifications of persons responsible for seafarers educational and training courses, potential participants in the educational and training courses and the quality standard system, the Training Course Standard Committee shall propose its comments to the Director-General. In case of having approved of such proposal, the Director-General shall issue a certificate of approval for training institutes or training courses, depending on each case. If the Director-General does not approve, a notice of disapproval shall be issued to the applicant.
In the event that the Director-General has not approved the training institutes or training courses proposed by the Training Course Standard Committee. It shall be submitted to the Training Course Standard Committee for reconsideration, review and proposing comments to the Director-General for predicate consideration and the Director-General shall re-issue command as appropriate.
Clause 27 Approved training institutes shall provide the quality standard system covering all activities relating to education and training as prescribed by the Director-General and shall conduct the external audit in every period of 5 years or less, and shall report the results thereof to the Director- General in every assessment period.
The audit of the quality standard system of the approved training institutes shall be conducted by an auditor who has competency on the quality standard system audit and has qualifications, as follows:
(1) Having knowledge or experiences relating to education and training of ship crews or issuing of certificates of ship crews; or
(2) Having the certificate of competency of not lower than the level of ship officers. In the event that the auditor has no qualifications under (1) or (2), there must be an expert who has qualifications under (1) or (2) participating in the audit and assessment of the quality standard system of the approved training institutes.
Clause 28 Approved training institutes shall have duties, as follows:
(1) Provide training courses in accordance with the competency standard as prescribed herein, applying guidelines of the model course approved by the Training Course Standard Committee.
(2) Provide and maintain the place and equipment for operation of the approved educational courses and the training courses in proper and adequate quantity as per types, levels of education and training and assessment of competency
(3) Provide and maintain persons responsible for educational and training courses such as instructors, assessors, supervisors who have proper qualifications as per the type and level of education and training in proper quantity for operation of the approved educational courses and the training courses
(4) Conduct the learning activities and training of the approved educational courses
(5) Operate and proceed under the quality standard system under clause 27 and record details of operational activities under the quality standard system
(6) Operate strictly under the provisions prescribed in clause 24, documents appended to the certificate of the training institute and the certificate of training courses or additional announcement of the Training Course Standard Committee
(7) Report the facts which have impacts on the learning quality to the Director-General for acknowledgment within 15 days.
(8) Give consents and facilitation to the personnel appointed by the Training Course Standard Committee to conduct an annual audit or inspection without advance notice.
Clause 29 When it appeared to the Director-General that the approved training institutes failed to maintain the learning quality or failed to comply with the prescribed conditions, the Director-General shall issue orders of notification of defects to such training institutes to provide corrective action plan for remedy the defects and propose to the Director-General for consideration and approval within the period prescribed by the Director-General.
Criteria to prescribe the characteristics and details of defects, the severity of defects including the time frame for producing corrective action plan as per the Paragraph 1 shall be as per the announcement of the Director-General.
Clause 30 The Director-General shall have powers to suspend or revoke a certificate of training institutes or certificate of training courses when the training institutes:
(1) Fail to provide the corrective action plan for relief of its defects within the period prescribed by the Director-General under Clause 29.
(2) Fail to comply with the corrective action plan for relief of defects as approved by the Director-General under Clause 29 without appropriate reasons.
(3) Fail to provide or maintain the quality standard system under Clause 27 which affects the learning quality.
(4) Breach or fail to comply with duties or conditions as prescribed in Clause 28 which is serious case.
Clause 31 Examination applicants for Certificate of Competency must have qualifications, as follows:
(1) Having the Thai nationality or other nationalities as permitted by the Director-General
Having received medical certificate issued under Part 8 of this Chapter
Having other qualifications as prescribed in Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4,
Chapter 5 and Chapter 6 hereof, as the case may be.
Clause 32 Whoever intends to apply for examination for certification or apply for more rights of operation in ships, shall file a petition to the Marine Department, together with evidences, as prescribed by the Director-General.
Clause 33 If applicants of other nationalities, who hold the Certificate of Competency (CoC), Certificate of Proficiency (CoP) and Certificate of Endorsement (CoE) for GMDSS radio operator which is issued by the other state parties which have made agreement on certificates approval with Thailand, wish to apply for Certificate of Recognition (CoR) at the same or lower level to operate in Thai vessels, the applicants must file a petition to the Marine Department, as prescribed by the Director-General.
Clause 34 Examination fees for certificate application and other processing expenses, fees for certification of Certificate of Endorsement (CoE), Certificate of Proficiency (CoP), Certificate of Recognition (CoR) and other certificates shall be collected as per the rates prescribed in Annex 1of these regulations.
Clause 35 Fees for certificate renewal, renewal of certificates which are to be reissued, and replacement certificate and processing fees shall be collected equal to half of the rates prescribed in clause 34.
(A) Issuing of Certificates:
Clause 36 Under these regulations, a certificate shall be issued when the applicant has qualifications relating to performance of duties, age, health condition, training and passing of examination and assessment of competency as prescribed herein.
Clause 37 The Director-General may prescribe criteria, methods and conditions for limitations of positions, duties of operational level, navigation waters, types of vessels used, sizes of vessels, types and capacity of propulsion power of machines, rights of operation, including any other conditions in the certificate as appropriate.
Clause 38 For the issuing of a certificate of Deck Department and Engine Department, the rights to operate are as prescribed in Annex 2 of these regulations.
Clause 39 Regarding the issuing of a certificate of the Deck Department, the applicant may apply for certification of additional rights of operation to operate in other positions, with qualifications as prescribed under Chapter 2 hereof and a certificate of endorsement (CoE) shall be issued.
Regarding the issuing of a certificate of the Engine Department, the applicant may apply for certification of additional rights of operation to operate in other positions with qualifications as prescribed under Chapter 3 hereof and a certificate of endorsement (CoE) shall be issued.
The endorsement of a certificate of ship masters and ship officers issued under Paragraphs 1 and 2 for acquisition of additional rights of operation, the Director-General may prescribe the same in the certificate or may issue an additional document thereof.
Clause 40 The issuing of certificate for operation in certain type of ships under Chapter 5 hereof in different positions shall be in accordance with the terms as follows:
(1) For ship master and ship officers, a certificate of endorsement (CoE) shall be issued.
(2) For ratings, a certificate of proficiency (CoP) shall be issued.
Clause 41 The issuing of certificate relating to safety, security protection or performance of duties under Chapter 6 hereof, the Certificate of Proficiency (CoP) shall be issued.
Clause 42 The validity of certificates shall be prescribed by the Director-General, but shall be valid for no more than 5 years as from the date of issuing thereof.
Clause 43 Forms of certificates shall be in accordance with Annex 4 hereof, and practices and revision of forms of certificates shall be as announced by the Director General.
Clause 44 Replacement certificates shall be issued, in case, which certificates are lost, broken, damaged, destroyed or there is a request to amend the personal information in the existing certificate. The applicants shall produce evidences to prove the causes of such loss, damage, destruction or request for personal information amendments.
The issuing of replacement certificates under Paragraph 1 shall has a period of validity not exceeding the expiry date of the original certificates, except in case of application for revalidation of certificates submitted simultaneously, new certificates shall be issued without issuing replacement.
Clause 45 The Company, ship crews and other state parties may request for and access the data relating to status of certificates of ship crews registered and kept by the Marine Department
(B) Revalidation of Certificates:
Clause 46 Criteria, method and requirement for revalidation of certificates shall be as announced by the Director-General.
For the purpose of review and improvement of knowledge, the Director-General may require that applicants for certificate revalidation to have the certificate of training (CoT) of the knowledge review training courses or knowledge improvement courses.
(C) Recognition of Certificates:
Clause 47 The endorsement certificate to applicants of non-Thai nationality under Clause 33shall be issued when the certificate-issuing state is a state party and having the certificate issuing standard that is not lower than those prescribed in the Convention, and such State has made a mutual agreement on the endorsement of certificate with Thailand; and applicants for an endorsement certificate in positions of ship master and chief mate of ships of 500 gross tonnage or more, chief engineer officers or second engineer officers of ship with the propulsion power of 750 kW or more, must have knowledge of Thai laws relating to marine navigation as per levels appropriate to the competency and experiences of applicants for certificates.
Clause 48 The endorsement of certificate issued by state party under clause 47, a Certificate of Recognition (CoR) shall be issued; whereas, the Director-General may prescribe limitations for operation on Thai vessels.
Clause 49 In case of necessity, when an applicant for an endorsement certificate has filed a petition, together with complete documents and evidences under Clause 33, the Director-General may issue temporary document or evidence of endorsement for use of certificate issued by other state parties for operation on Thai vessels for not exceeding 3 months.
(D) Issuing of Seagoing Service Certificate:
Clause 50 A certificate of seagoing services shall be issued to ship crews when it is proven that the applicant has the period of seagoing services or equivalent in accordance with criteria, methods and requirements as announced by the Director-General.
Clause 51 Whoever intended to apply for a certificate of seagoing services shall submit an application to the Marine Department, together with copy of Seaman Book or copy
of ID Card.
Clause 52 The counting of period of seagoing services of engine-propelled seagoing ship is prescribed hereunder:
(1) For Thai vessels, it shall be counted from the date of onboard operation of such person until the date when such person has disembarked the vessels as per the Company’s notice of crew agreement and the list of seafarers given to the Marine Department or as per documents and evidences which shall be approved by the person appointed by the Director-General to clearly prove that there are seagoing services as notified.
(2) For vessels flying non-Thai flags, it shall be counted as from the date of onboard
operation and the date of disembarkation as notified by such person to the Marine Department. In case of failure to notify the same within the period prescribed by the Director-General, it shall be counted as per the period specified in other documents and evidences which shall be approved by the person appointed by the Director-General to clearly prove that there are seagoing services as notified.
The issuing of seagoing service certificate as prescribed in clause 49 and the counting of period of seagoing services of this clause shall be applied for the application for examination for certification or renewal of certificate of seafarers which are in accordance with the criteria, method and requirements announced by the Director-General.
Clause 53 Seagoing services on vessels other than those prescribed in Clause 51 and non-vessel seagoing services which can be counted as period of seagoing services equivalent hereto in whole or in part shall be in accordance with those prescribed by the Director-General by taking into consideration of:
(1) Period and frequencies of navigation or of non-vessel seagoing services
(2) Nature of duties, responsibilities and period and frequencies of performance of duties
(3) Level of responsibilities
(4) Relevance of operation and certificate to be issued
Regarding the counting of period of seagoing service under Paragraph 1, the Director-General shall appoint a committee consisting of officers in the relevant agencies of the Marine Department for not less than 3 persons to consider if such operation is equivalent to the seagoing services as prescribed herein.
(A) Medical Standard:
Clause 54 An applicant for a certificate and ship crew shall obtain a medical
certificate which shall be regarded as evidence of health readiness.
Clause 55 The health standard as per the criteria and method of Maritime Labour Act B.E. 2558 (2015) is considered a health standard hereof.
Clause 56 The medical certificate issued by the state party or medical certificate issued in accordance with Maritime Labour Act B.E. 2558 (2015) is considered a medical certificate hereof.
(B) Crew Agreements:
Clause 57 For the benefit of examination of experiences of seagoing services of ship
crews, the Company shall provide crew agreements to be kept onboard at all times during the period of use of vessels.
Crew agreements, recording and signing for endorsement of details of onboard operation shall be in accordance with the form, criteria and methods as per the regulations prescribed by the Director-General.
(C) Training Record Book and In-Service Record Book:
Clause 58 For the benefit of examination of knowledge, training, experiences of
seagoing services and other matters of participants in the educational courses or in the training courses. The participants shall provide their training record books and shall keep them at all times during the period of onboard training.
Training record books, recording and endorsement of recording of training shall be in
accordance with the form, criteria and methods as per regulations prescribed by the Director-General
Clause 59 For the benefit of recording of seagoing services, experiences and learning of operation of applicants for examination for certification at the management level, operational level and support level, for both Deck Department and Engine Department, such applicants must provide their In-Service Record Book and other matters of participants in the educational courses or in the training courses and shall keep them at all times during the period of onboard operation.
In-Service Record Book, recording and endorsement of recording of operation shall be in accordance with the form, criteria and methods as per regulations prescribed by the Director-General
Clause 60 An applicant for a certificate of competency (CoC) of ship officers of the Deck Department of seagoing ships of 500 gross tonnage or more must have qualifications in addition to those prescribed in Clause 31, as follows:
(1) Aged not lower than 18 years old
(2) Having completed the basic educational courses for not less than 12 years or equivalent
(3) Having seagoing services, as follows:
(3.1) Having onboard training on vessels of 500 gross tonnage or more for not
less than 12 months, which are part of the approved educational and training courses. The period of such seagoing services must not overlap with the other seagoing service period of other positions; or
(3.2) Having seagoing services in the Deck Department on vessels of 500 gross tonnage or more for not less than 36 months;
(4) Seagoing services under (3) must have the performance of duties of deck guards under the supervision of ship master or chief mates for not less than 6 months and have been recorded in the Training Record Books or In-Service Record Book, depending on each case.
(5) Having completed the educational and training courses for ship officers of the Deck Department of seagoing ships of 500 gross tonnage or more approved under the standard of not lower than those prescribed in Table A-2/1 annexed to the code, as per the announcement of the Director-General.
(6) Holding a certificate of training (CoT) of educational and training courses appended hereto, as follows:
(6.1) Operation courses for GMDSS radio operators as prescribed in the General Operator Certificate Program (GOC)
(6.2) Basic safety training courses
(6.3) Training courses of survival craft and rescue boats other than fast rescue boats
(6.4) Training courses of advanced firefighting; and
(6.5) Training courses of medical first aid
(7) Having competency under the standard of competency for ship officers of the Deck Department of seagoing ships of 500 gross tonnage or more which are approved under the standard of not lower than those prescribed in Table A-2/1 of the code as per the announcement of the Director-General.
An applicant under the Paragraph 1 may apply for certification of rights of operation in the position of the master of ships engaged on near-coastal voyages of less than 500 gross tonnage when the applicant has seagoing services in the functions of guards of the Deck Department of ships of 500 gross tonnage or more for not less than 12 months at the time of holding a certificate of competency (CoC) of ship officers of the Deck Department of ships of 500 gross tonnage or more.
Clause 61 An applicant for a certificate of competency (CoC) of ship officers in charge of a navigational watch on ships of 500 gross tonnage or more engaged on near-coastal voyages must have qualifications as prescribed in Clause 60 hereof; provided that training courses under Clause 60 (5) shall be training courses of ship officers of the Deck Department of seagoing ships of 500 gross tonnage or more, and the training courses under Clause 60 (6.1) shall be the General Operator Certificate Program (GOC) or the Restricted Operator Certificate Program (ROC).
An applicant under Paragraph 1 may apply for certification of rights of operation in the position of the master of ships engaged on near-coastal voyages of less than 500 gross tonnage. When the applicant for seagoing services in the functions of guards of the Deck Department of ships of 500 gross tonnage or more for not less than 12 months at the time of holding a certificate of competency (CoC) of ship officers of the Deck Department of ships engaged on near-coastal voyages of 500 gross tonnage or more.
Clause 62 An applicant for a certificate of competency (CoC) of the master on ships of 3,000 gross tonnage or more, must have qualifications in addition to those prescribed in Clause 31, as follows:
(1) Holding a certificate of competency (CoC) of the master on ships of 500-3,000 gross tonnage, or chief mate on ships of 3,000 gross tonnage or more;
(2) Having seagoing services, as follows:
(2.1) Having seagoing services in functions of deck guards on vessels of 500 gross tonnage or more for not less than 36 months; whereas, during such period of time, the applicant shall perform duties of deck guards on vessels of 3,000 gross tonnage or more for a total period of not less than 6 months at the time of holding any certificate which entitled the operation in this function and shall perform duties of deck guards on vessels of 500 gross tonnage or more for not less than 12 months at the time of holding the certificate under (1) the operation during such period must be recorded in the In-Service Record Book or
(2.2) Having seagoing services in functions of deck guards on vessels of 500 gross tonnage or more for not less than 24 months; whereas, during such period of time, the applicant shall perform duties of deck guards on vessels of 3,000 gross tonnage or more for not less than 12 months at the time of holding the certificate under (1) the operation during such period must be recorded in the In-Service Record Book
(3) Having completed the educational and training courses for master and chief mate of seagoing ships of 500 gross tonnage or more approved under the standard of not lower than those prescribed in Table A-2/2 annexed to the code as per the announcement of the Director-General.
(4) Holding a certificate of training (CoT) of educational and training courses appended hereto, as follows:
(4.1) Operation courses for GMDSS radio operators as prescribed in the General Operator Certificate Program (GOC)
(4.2) Basic safety training courses
(4.3) Training courses of survival craft and rescue boats other than fast rescue boats
(4.4) Training courses of advanced firefighting
(4.5) Training courses of medical first aid; and
(4.6) Training courses of medical care
(5) Having competency under the standard of competency for master and chief mate of seagoing ships as per Table A-2/2 annexed to the code as per the announcement of the Director-General.
Clause 63 An applicant for a certificate of competency (CoC) of the master on ships of between 500 and 3,000 gross tonnage, must have qualifications in addition to those prescribed in Clause 31, as follows:
(1) Holding a certificate of competency (CoC) of the chief mate on ships of 500-3,000 gross tonnage;
(2) Having seagoing services, as follows:
(2.1) Having seagoing services in functions of deck guards on vessels of 500 gross tonnage or more for a total of not less than 36 months at the time of holding any certificate which entitled the operation in this function; whereas, during such period of time, the applicant shall perform duties of deck guards on vessels of 500 gross tonnage or more for not less than 12 months at the time of holding the certificate under (1), the operation during such period must be recorded in the In-Service Record Book; or
(2.2) Having seagoing services in functions of deck guards on vessels of 500 gross tonnage or more for a total of not less than 24 months at the time of holding any certificate which entitled the operation in this function; whereas, during such period of time, the applicant shall perform duties of chief mate on vessels of 500 gross tonnage or more for not less than 12 months at the time of holding the certificate under (1), the operation during such period must be recorded in the In-Service Record Book;
(3) Having completed the educational and training courses for master and chief mate of seagoing ships of 500 gross tonnage or more approved under the standard of not lower than those prescribed in Table A-2/2 annexed to the code as per the announcement of the Director-General.
(4) Holding a certificate of training (CoT) of educational and training courses as prescribed in Clause 62 (4)
(5) Having competency under the standard of competency for master and chief mate of seagoing ships as per Table A-2/2 annexed to the code as per the announcement of the Director-General.
The applicant under Paragraph 1 may apply for certification of rights of operation in other functions, as follows:
(1) Position of the chief mate of ships of 3,000 gross tonnage or more, when the applicant has the seagoing services in functions of deck guards on vessels of 3,000 gross tonnage or more for a total of not less than 6 months at the time of holding any certificate which entitled the operation in this function.
(2) Position of the master of ships engaged on near-coastal voyages of 3,000 gross tonnage or more for a total of not less than 6 months at the time of holding any certificate which entitled the operation in this function.
Clause 64 An applicant for a certificate of competency (CoC) of the chief mate on ships of 3,000 gross tonnage or more, must have qualifications in addition to those prescribed in Clause 31, as follows:
(1) Holding a certificate of competency (CoC) of the chief mate on ships of 500-3,000 gross tonnage, or the master of ships engaged on near-coastal voyages of 500-3,000 gross tonnage, or the chief mate of ships engaged on near-coastal voyages of 500-3,000 gross tonnage, or the ship officers of seagoing ships of 500 gross tonnage or more;
(2) Having seagoing services, as follows:
(2.1) Having seagoing services in functions of deck guards on vessels of 500 gross tonnage or more for a total of not less than 18 months at the time of holding any certificate which entitled the operation in this function; whereas, during such period of time, the applicant shall perform duties of deck guards on vessels of 3,000 gross tonnage or more for a total of not less than 6 months at the time of holding any certificate which entitled the operation in this function, the operation during such period must be recorded in the In-Service Record Book; or
(2.2) Having seagoing services in functions of deck guards on vessels of 3,000 gross tonnage or more for a total of not less than 12 months at the time of holding any certificate which entitled the operation in this function, the operation during such period must be recorded in the In-Service Record Book;
(3) Having completed the educational and training courses for master and chief mate of seagoing ships of 500 gross tonnage or more approved under the standard of not lower than those prescribed in Table A-2/2 annexed to the code as per the announcement of the Director-General.
(4) Holding a certificate of training (CoT) of educational and training courses as prescribed in Clause 62 (4)
(5) Having competency under the standard of competency for master and chief mate prescribed in Table A-2/2 annexed to the code as per the announcement of the Director-General.
The applicant under Paragraph 1 may apply for certification of rights of operation in the position of the master of seagoing ships of 500-3,000 gross tonnage when the applicant has the seagoing services, as follows:
(1) Having seagoing services in functions of deck guards on vessels of 500 gross tonnage or more for a total of not less than 36 months at the time of holding any certificate which entitled the operation in this function; whereas, during such period of time, the applicant shall perform duties of deck guards on vessels of 500 gross tonnage or more for a total of not less than 6 months at the time of holding a certificate of competency of the chief mate of seagoing ships of 3,000 gross tonnage or more; or
(2) Having seagoing services in functions of deck guards on vessels of 500 gross tonnage or more for not less than 24 months; whereas, during such period of time, the applicant shall perform duties of the chief mate of ships of 500 gross tonnage or more for a total of not less than 12 months at the time of holding a certificate of competency of the chief mate of seagoing ships of 3,000 gross tonnage or more, or a certificate of competency of the chief mate of seagoing ships of 500-3,000 gross tonnage.
Clause 65 An applicant for a certificate of competency (CoC) of the chief mate on ships of between 500 and 3,000 gross tonnage, must have qualifications in addition to those prescribed in Clause 31, as follows:
(1) Holding a certificate of competency (CoC) of the master of ships engaged on near-coastal voyages of 500-3,000 gross tonnage, or the chief mate of ships engaged on near-coastal voyages of 500-3,000 gross tonnage, or the ship officers of the Deck Department of seagoing ships of 500 gross tonnage or more;
(2) Having seagoing services, as follows:
(2.1) Having seagoing services in functions of deck guards on vessels of 500 gross tonnage or more for a total of not less than 12 months at the time of holding any certificate which entitled the operation in this function, the operation during such period must be recorded in the In-Service Record Book; or
(2.2) Having seagoing services in functions of deck guards on vessels of 3,000 gross tonnage or more for a total of not less than 6 months at the time of holding any certificate which entitled the operation in this function, the operation during such period must be recorded in the In-Service Record Book.
(3) Having completed the educational and training courses for master and chief mate of seagoing ships of 500 gross tonnage or more approved under the standard of not lower than those prescribed in Table A-2/2 annexed to the code as per the announcement of the Director-General.
(4) Holding a certificate of training (CoT) of educational and training courses as prescribed in Clause 62 (4).
(5) Having competency under the standard of competency for master and chief mate as prescribed in Table A-2/2 annexed to the code as per the announcement of the Director-General.
The applicant under Paragraph 1 may apply for certification of rights of operation in the position of the master of seagoing ships engaged on near-coastal voyages of 500-3,000 gross tonnage when the applicant has the seagoing services, as follows:
(1) Having the approved seagoing services in functions of deck guards on vessels of 500 gross tonnage or more for a total of not less than 36 months at the time of holding any certificate which entitled the operation in this function; whereas, during such period of time, the applicant shall perform duties of deck guards on vessels of 500 gross tonnage or more for not less than 12 months at the time of holding a certificate of competency of the chief mate of seagoing ships of 500-3,000 gross tonnage; or
(2) Having seagoing services in functions of deck guards on vessels of 500 gross tonnage or more for a total of not less than 24 months at the time of holding any certificate which entitled the operation in this function; whereas, during such period of time, the applicant shall perform duties of the chief mate of ships of 500 gross tonnage or more for not less than 12 months at the time of holding a certificate of competency of the chief mate of seagoing ships of 500-3,000 gross tonnage;
The applicant under Paragraph 1 may apply for certification of rights for
operation in the position of the master of seagoing ships of less than 500 gross tonnage when the applicant has the seagoing services, as follows:
(1) Having seagoing services in functions of deck guards on vessels of 500 gross tonnage or more for a total of not less than 36 months at the time of holding any certificate which entitled the operation in this function; whereas, during such period of time, the applicant shall perform duties of deck guards on vessels of 500 gross tonnage or more for a total of not less than 6 months at the time of holding a certificate of competency of the chief mate of seagoing ships of 500-3,000 gross tonnage; or
(2) Having seagoing services in functions of deck guards on vessels of 500 gross tonnage or more for not less than 24 months; whereas, during such period of time, the applicant shall perform duties of the chief mate of ships of 500-3,000 gross tonnage, or a certificate of competency of the chief mate of seagoing ships of 500-3,000 gross tonnage;
The applicant under Paragraph 1 may apply for certification of rights of operation in the position of chief mate of seagoing ships engaged on near-coastal voyages of 3,000 gross tonnage or more when the applicant has the seagoing services in functions of deck guards on vessels of 3,000 gross tonnage or more for a total of not less than 6 months at the time of holding any certificate which entitled the operation in this function;
The applicant under Paragraph 1 previously holding a certificate of the master of ships engaged on near-coastal voyages of 500-3,000 gross tonnage shall be given with rights of operation in such position without applying for certification of additional rights.
Clause 66 An applicant for a certificate of competency (CoC) of the master on ships of between 500 and 3,000 gross tonnage engaged on near-coastal voyages, must have qualifications in addition to those prescribed in Clause 31, as follows:
(1) Holding a certificate of competency (CoC) of the chief mate of ships engaged on near-coastal voyages of 500-3,000 gross tonnage;
(2) Having seagoing services, as follows:
(2.1) Having seagoing services in functions of deck guards on vessels of 500 gross tonnage or more for a total of not less than 36 months at the time of holding any certificate which entitled the operation in this function; whereas, during such period of time, the applicant shall perform duties of deck guards on vessels of 500 gross tonnage or more for not less than 12 months at the time of holding the certificate under (1), the operation during such period must be recorded in the In-Service Record Book; or
(2.2) Having seagoing services in functions of deck guards on vessels of 500 gross tonnage or more for a total of not less than 24 months at the time of holding any certificate which entitled the operation in this function; whereas, during such period of time, the applicant shall perform duties of the chief mate on vessels of 500 gross tonnage or more for not less than 12 months at the time of holding the certificate under (1), the operation during such period must be recorded in the In-Service Record Book;
(3) Having completed the educational and training courses for master and chief mate of seagoing ships of 500 gross tonnage or more or educational and training courses for master and chief mate of seagoing ships engaged on near-coastal voyages of 500 gross tonnage or more approved under the standard of not lower than those prescribed in Table A-2/2 annexed to the code as per the announcement of the Director-General.
(4) Holding a certificate of training (CoT) of educational and training courses as appended hereto, as follows:
(4.1) Operation courses for GMDSS radio operators as prescribed in the General Operator Certificate Program (GOC), or as prescribed in the Restricted Operator Certificate Program (ROC)
(4.2) Basic safety training courses
(4.3) Training courses of survival craft and rescue boats other than fast rescue boats
(4.4) Training courses of advanced firefighting
(4.5) Training courses of medical first aid; and
(4.6) Training courses of medical care
(5) Having competency under the standard of competency for master and chief mate of seagoing ships as prescribed in Table A-2/2 annexed to the code as per the announcement of the Director-General.
The applicant under Paragraph 1 may apply for certification of rights of operation in the position of chief mate of seagoing ships of 3,000 gross tonnage or more when the applicant has the seagoing services in functions of deck guards on vessels of 3,000 gross tonnage or more for a total of not less than 6 months at the time of holding any certificate which entitled the operation in this function;
Clause 67 An applicant for a certificate of competency (CoC) of the chief mate on ships of between 500 and 3,000 gross tonnage engaged on near-coastal voyages, must have qualifications in addition to those prescribed in Clause 31, as follows:
(1) Holding a certificate of competency (CoC) of the ship officers of the Deck Department of ships engaged on near-coastal voyages of 500 gross tonnage or more or ship officers of the Deck Department of seagoing ships of 500 gross tonnage or more;
(2) Having seagoing services, as follows:
(2.1) Having seagoing services in functions of deck guards on vessels of 500 gross tonnage or more for a total of not less than 12 months at the time of holding any certificate which entitled the operation in this function, the operation during such period must be recorded in the In-Service Record Book; or
(2.2) Having seagoing services in functions of deck guards on vessels of 3,000 gross tonnage or more for a total of not less than 6 months at the time of holding any certificate which entitled the operation in this function, the operation during such period must be recorded in the In-Service Record Book;
(3) Having completed the educational and training courses for master and chief mate of ships engaged on near-coastal voyages of 500 gross tonnage or more approved under the standard of not lower than those prescribed in Table A-2/2 annexed to the code as per the announcement of the Director-General.
(4) Holding a certificate of training (CoT) of educational and training courses as prescribed in Clause 66 (4)
(5) Having competency under the standard of competency for master and chief mate of ships engaged on near-coastal voyages as prescribed in Table A-2/2 annexed to the code as per the announcement of the Director-General.
The applicant under Paragraph 1 may apply for certification of rights to operate in the position of the master of ships engaged on near-coastal voyages of less than 500 gross tonnage when the applicant has the seagoing services in functions of deck guards on ships engaged on near-coastal voyages of 500 gross tonnage or more for a total of not less than 12 months at the time of holding any certificate which entitled the operation in this function;
Clause 68 An applicant for a certificate of competency (CoC) of the ship officers in the Deck Department of ships of less than 500 gross tonnage engaged on near-coastal voyages, must have qualifications in addition to those prescribed in Clause 31, as follows:
(1) Aged not lower than 18 years old
(2) Having completed the basic educational courses for not less than 9 years or equivalent
(3) Having seagoing services, as follows:
(3.1) Having training of seagoing services for not less than 12 months, which are part of the approved educational and training courses. The period of such seagoing services must not overlap with the other seagoing service period of other positions; or
(3.2) Having seagoing services in the Deck Department for not less than 36
(4) Seagoing services under (3) must have the performance of duties on ships of 60
gross tonnage or more and shall perform duties of deck guards under the supervision of ship master or chief mates for not less than 6 months and shall record the training in the training record books or in the In-Service Record Book depending on each case.
(5) Having completed the educational and training courses for ship officers of the Deck Department and the master of seagoing ships engaged on near-coastal voyages of less than 500 gross tonnage approved under the standard of not lower than those prescribed in Table A-2/3 annexed to the code as per the announcement of the Director-Genera or training courses for ship officers of the Deck Department of seagoing ships of 500 gross tonnage or more approved under the standard of not lower than those prescribed in Table A-2/1 annexed to the code as per the announcement of the Director-General.
(6) Holding a certificate of training (CoT) of educational and training courses appended hereto, as follows:
(6.1) Operation courses for GMDSS radio operators as prescribed in the General Operator Certificate Program (GOC), or as prescribed in the Restricted Operator Certificate Program (ROC)
(6.2) Basic safety training courses
(6.3) Training courses of survival craft and rescue boats other than fast rescue boats
(6.4) Training courses of advanced firefighting; and
(6.5) Training courses of medical first aid
(7) Having competency under the standard of competency for ship officers of seagoing ships engaged on near-coastal voyages of less than 500 gross tonnage as prescribed in Table A-2/3 annexed to the code as per the announcement of the Director-General.
Clause 69 An applicant for a certificate of competency (CoC) of the master on ships of less than 500 gross tonnage engaged on near-coastal voyages, must have qualifications in addition to those prescribed in Clause 31, as follows:
(1) Aged not lower than 20 years old
(2) Holding a certificate of competency (CoC) of the ship officers of the Deck Department of seagoing ships of 500 gross tonnage or more or ship officers of the Deck Department of ships engaged on near-coastal voyages of less than 500 gross tonnage.
(3) Having seagoing services in functions of deck guards of the Deck Department of ships of 60 gross tonnage or more for not less than 24 months at the time of holding the certificate under (2)
(4) Having completed the educational and training courses for ship officers of the Deck Department and the master of seagoing ships engaged on near-coastal voyages of less than 500 gross tonnage approved under the standard of not lower than those prescribed in Table A-2/3 annexed to the code as per the announcement of the Director-General or training courses for ship officers of the Deck Department and the master of seagoing ships of 500 gross tonnage or more approved under the standard of not lower than those prescribed in Table A-2/1 annexed to the code as per the announcement of the Director-General.
(5) Holding a certificate of educational and training courses as prescribed in Clause 66 (4)
(6) Having competency under the standard of competency for the master of ships engaged on near-coastal voyages of less than 500 gross tonnage as prescribed in Table A-2/3 annexed to the code as per the announcement of the Director-General.
Clause 70 An applicant for a certificate of proficiency (CoP) of the rating forming part of a navigational watch must have qualifications in addition to those prescribed in Clause 31, as follows:
(1) Aged not lower than 16 years old
(2) Having completed the basic educational courses for not less than 6 years or equivalent
(3) Having seagoing services or training, as follows:
(3.1) Having seagoing services in the Deck Department on ships of 500 gross tonnage or more for not less than 6 months; or
(3.2) Having completed the approved training courses of the rating forming part of a navigational watch of seagoing ships and having seagoing services in the Deck Department on ships of 500 gross tonnage or more for not less than 2 months
(4) Seagoing services under (3) must have the performance of duties of bridge guards under the supervision of ship master or chief mates and shall record the training in the training record books.
(5) Having competency under the standard of competency for the rating forming part of a navigational watch on the bridge as prescribed in Table A-2/4 annexed to the code as per the announcement of the Director-General.
Clause 71 An applicant for a certificate of proficiency (CoP) of the rating as able seafarer deck must have qualifications in addition to those prescribed in Clause 31, as follows:
(1) Aged not lower than 18 years old
(2) Holding a certificate of proficiency (CoP) of the rating forming part of a navigational watch
(3) Having seagoing services, as follows:
(3.1) Having seagoing services in the Deck Department on ships of 500 gross tonnage or more for not less than 18 months at the time of holding the certificate under (2); or
(3.2) Having seagoing services in the Deck Department on ships of 500 gross tonnage or more for not less than 12 months at the time of holding the certificate under (2) and having completed the training courses of the rating as able seafarer deck of the approved seagoing ships.
(4) Having competency under the standard of competency for the rating as able seafarer deck as prescribed in Table A-2/5 annexed to the code as per the announcement of the Director-General.
Clause 72 An applicant for a certificate of competency (CoC) of the engineer officers of the Engine Department on ships powered by main propulsion machinery of 750 kW propulsion power or more must have qualifications in addition to those prescribed in Clause 31, as follows:
(1) Aged not lower than 18 years old
(2) Having completed the basic educational courses for not less than 12 years or equivalent
(3) Having seagoing services or training, as follows:
(3.1) Having completed the workshop skills training and seagoing services in the Engine Department with the total period of both sessions of not less than 12 months, which are included in the approved educational and training courses. The period of such seagoing services must not overlap with the other seagoing service period of other positions; or
(3.2) Having completed the workshop skills training and seagoing services with the total period of both sessions of not less than 36 months which shall include seagoing services in the Engine Department for not less than 30 months.
(4) Seagoing services under (3) must have the performance of duties on ships powered by main propulsion machinery of 750 kW propulsion power and must have the performance of duties of guards of the Engine Department under the supervision of chief engineer officers or second engineer officers for not less than 6 months and shall record the training or seagoing services in the training record books or the In-Service Record Book, depending on each case.
(5) Having completed the educational and training courses for Engineer Officer of the Engine Department on seagoing ships powered by main propulsion machinery of 750 kW propulsion power or more approved under the standard of not lower than those prescribed in Table A-3/1 annexed to the code as per the announcement of the Director-General.
(6) Holding a certificate of training (CoT) of the educational and training courses appended hereto, as follows:
(6.1) Basic safety training courses
(6.2) Training courses of survival craft and rescue boats other than fast rescue boats
(6.3) Training courses of advanced firefighting; and
(6.4) Training courses of medical first aid
(7) Having competency under the standard of competency for engineer officers as prescribed in Table A-3/1 annexed to the code as per the announcement of the Director-General.
Clause 73 An applicant for a certificate of competency (CoC) of chief engineer officer on ships powered by main propulsion machinery of 3,000 kW propulsion power or more must have qualifications in addition to those prescribed in Clause 31, as follows:
(1) Holding a certificate of competency (CoC) of second engineer officer on ships powered by main propulsion machinery of 3,000 kW propulsion power or more, or chief engineer officer on ships powered by main propulsion machinery of 750-3,000 kW propulsion power.
(2) Having seagoing services, as follows:
(2.1) Having seagoing services in functions of chief guard of the Engine Department on ships powered by main propulsion machinery of 750 kW propulsion power or more for a total of not less than 36 months at the time of holding any certificate which entitled the operation in this function; whereas, during such period of time, the applicant shall perform duties of chief guard of the Engine Department on ships powered by main propulsion machinery of 3,000 kW propulsion power or more for not less than 6 months, and shall perform duties of chief guard of the Engine Department on ships powered by main propulsion machinery of 750 kW propulsion power or more for not less than 12 months at the time of holding certificate under (1), the operation during such period must be recorded in the In-Service Record Book; or
(2.2) Having seagoing services in functions of chief guard of the Engine Department on ships powered by main propulsion machinery of 750 kW propulsion power or more for a total of not less than 24 months at the time of holding any certificate which entitled the operation in this function; whereas, during such period of time, the applicant shall perform duties of second engineer officer on ships powered by main propulsion machinery of 3,000 kW propulsion power or more for not less than 12 months at the time of holding certificate
under (1), the operation during such period must be recorded in the In-Service Record Book;
(3) Having completed the educational and training courses for chief engineer officer and second engineer officer of seagoing ships powered by main propulsion machinery of 3,000 kW propulsion power or more approved under the standard of not lower than those prescribed in Table A-3/2 annexed to the code as per the announcement of the Director-General.
(4) Holding a certificate of training (CoT) of educational and training courses as prescribed in Clause 72 (6)
(5) Having competency under the standard of competency for chief engineer officer and second engineer officer as prescribed in Table A-3/2 annexed to the code as per the announcement of the Director-General.
Clause 74 An applicant for a certificate of competency (CoC) of second engineer officer on ships powered by main propulsion machinery of 3,000 kW propulsion power or more must have qualifications in addition to those prescribed in Clause 31, as follows:
(1) Holding a certificate of competency (CoC) of second engineer officer on ships powered by main propulsion machinery of 750-3,000 kW propulsion power or more, or engineer officer on ships powered by main propulsion machinery of 750 kW propulsion power or more.
(2) Having seagoing services, as follows:
(2.1) Having seagoing services in functions of chief guard of the Engine Department on ships powered by main propulsion machinery of 750 kW propulsion power or more for a total of not less than 18 months at the time of holding any certificate which entitled the operation in this function; whereas, during such period of time, the applicant shall perform duties of chief guard of the Engine Department on ships powered by main propulsion machinery of 3,000 kW propulsion power or more for a total of not less than 6 months at the time of holding any certificate which entitled the operation in this function, the operation during such period must be recorded in the In-Service Record Book; or
(2.2) Having seagoing services in functions of chief guard of the Engine Department on ships powered by main propulsion machinery of 3,000 kW propulsion power or more for a total of not less than 12 months at the time of holding any certificate which entitled the operation in this function, the operation during such period must be recorded in the In-Service Record Book;
(3) Having completed the educational and training courses for chief engineer officer and second engineer officer of seagoing ships powered by main propulsion machinery of 3,000 kW propulsion power or more approved under the standard of not lower than those prescribed in Table A-3/2 annexed to the code as per the announcement of the Director-General.
(4) Holding a certificate of training (CoT) of educational and training courses as prescribed in Clause 72 (6)
(5) Having competency under the standard of competency for chief engineer officer and second engineer officer as prescribed in Table A-3/2 annexed to the code as per the announcement of the Director-General.
The applicant under Paragraph 1 may apply for certification of rights of operation in other positions, as follows:
(1) Position of chief engineer officer on ships engaged on near-coastal voyages powered by main propulsion machinery of 3,000 kW propulsion power or more when the applicant has the seagoing services, as follows:
(1.1) Having seagoing services in functions of chief guard of the Engine Department on ships powered by main propulsion machinery of 750 kW propulsion power or more for a total of not less than 36 months at the time of holding any certificate which entitled the operation in this function; whereas, during such period of time, the applicant shall perform duties of chief guard of the Engine Department on ships powered by main propulsion machinery of 3,000 kW propulsion power or more for a total of not less than 6 months at the time of holding any certificate which entitled the operation in this function, and shall perform duties of chief guard of the Engine Department for not less than 12 months at the time of holding certificate of competency (CoC) of second engineer officer on ships powered by main propulsion machinery of 3,000 kW propulsion power or more; or
(1.2) Having seagoing services in functions of chief guard of the Engine Department on ships powered by main propulsion machinery of 750 kW propulsion power or more for a total of not less than 24 months at the time of holding any certificate which entitled the operation in this function; whereas, during such period of time, the applicant shall perform duties of second engineer officer on ships powered by main propulsion machinery of 3,000 kW propulsion power or more for not less than 12 months at the time of holding certificate of competency (CoC) of second engineer officer on ships powered by main propulsion machinery of 3,000 kW propulsion power or more;
(2) Position of chief engineer officer on ships powered by main propulsion machinery of 750-3,000 kW propulsion power when the applicant has the seagoing services in functions of chief guard of the Engine Department on ships powered by main propulsion machinery of 750 kW propulsion power or more for a total of not less than 24 months at the time of holding any certificate which entitled the operation in this function; whereas, during such period of time, the applicant shall perform duties of chief guard of the Engine Department on ships powered by main propulsion machinery of 750 kW propulsion power or more for a total of not less than 12 months at the time of holding certificate of competency (CoC) of second engineer officer on ships powered by main propulsion machinery of 3,000 kW propulsion power or more, or certificate of competency (CoC) of second engineer officer on ships powered by main propulsion machinery of 750-3,000 kW propulsion power.
Clause 75 An applicant for a certificate of competency (CoC) of chief engineer officer on ships powered by main propulsion machinery of 750-3,000 kW propulsion power must have qualifications in addition to those prescribed in Clause 31, as follows:
(1) Holding a certificate of competency (CoC) of second engineer officer on ships powered by main propulsion machinery of 750-3,000 kW propulsion power;
(2) Having seagoing services in functions of chief guard of the Engine Department on ships powered by main propulsion machinery of 750 kW propulsion power or more for a total of not less than 24 months at the time of holding any certificate which entitled the operation in this function; whereas, during such period of time, the applicant shall perform duties of chief guard of the Engine Department on ships powered by main propulsion machinery of 750 kW propulsion power or more for not less than 12 months at the time of holding certificate under (1), the operation during such period must be recorded in the In-Service Record Book;
(3) Having completed the educational and training courses for chief engineer officer and second engineer officer of seagoing ships powered by main propulsion machinery of 3,000 kW propulsion power or more approved under the standard of not lower than those prescribed in Table A-3/2 annexed to the code as per the announcement of the Director-General.
(4) Holding a certificate of training (CoT) of educational and training courses as prescribed in Clause 72 (6)
(5) Having competency under the standard of competency for chief engineer officer and second engineer officer as prescribed in Table A-3/2 annexed to the code as per the announcement of the Director-General.
The applicant under Paragraph 1 may apply for certification of rights of operation in other positions, as follows:
(1) Position of chief engineer officer on ships powered by main propulsion machinery of 3,000 kW propulsion power or more when the applicant has the seagoing services in functions of chief guard of the Engine Department on ships powered by main propulsion machinery of 750 kW propulsion power or more for a total of not less than 36 months at the time of holding any certificate which entitled the operation in this function; whereas, during such period of time, the applicant shall perform duties of chief guard of the Engine Department on ships powered by main propulsion machinery of 3,000 kW propulsion power or more for a total of not less than 6 months at the time of holding any certificate which entitled the operation in this function and shall perform duties of chief guard of the Engine Department for not less than 12 months at the time of holding a certificate of competency (CoC) of chief engineer officer on ships powered by main propulsion machinery of 750-3,000 kW propulsion power.
(2) Position of second engineer officer on ships powered by main propulsion machinery of 3,000 kW propulsion power or more when the applicant has the seagoing services in functions of chief guard of the Engine Department on ships powered by main propulsion machinery of 3,000 kW propulsion power or more for a total of not less than 6 months at the time of holding any certificate which entitled the operation in this function;
Clause 76 An applicant for a certificate of competency (CoC) of second engineer officer on ships powered by main propulsion machinery of 750-3,000 kW propulsion power must have qualifications in addition to those prescribed in Clause 31, as follows:
(1) Holding a certificate of competency (CoC) of the engineer officer on ships powered by main propulsion machinery of 750 kW propulsion power or more;
(2) Having seagoing services in functions of chief guard of the Engine Department or assistant engineer officer on ships powered by main propulsion machinery of 750 kW propulsion power or more for not less than 12 months, the operation during such period must be recorded in the In-Service Record Book.
(3) Having completed the educational and training courses for chief engineer officer and second engineer officer of seagoing ships powered by main propulsion machinery of 3,000 kW propulsion power or more approved under the standard of not lower than those prescribed in Table A-3/2 annexed to the code as per the announcement of the Director-General.
(4) Holding a certificate of training (CoT) of educational and training courses as prescribed in Clause 72 (6).
(5) Having competency under the standard of competency for chief engineer officer and second engineer officer as prescribed in Table A-3/2 annexed to the code as per the announcement of the Director-General.
The applicant under Paragraph 1 may apply for certification of rights of operation in the position of second engineer officer on ships powered by main propulsion machinery of 3,000 kW propulsion power or more when the applicant for seagoing services in functions of chief guard of the Engine Department on ships powered by main propulsion machinery of 3,000 kW propulsion power or more for a total of not less than 6 months at the time of holding any certificate which entitled the operation in this function.
Clause 77 An applicant for a certificate of proficiency (CoP) of the rating forming part of an engineering watch must have qualifications in addition to those prescribed in Clause 31, as follows:
(1) Aged not lower than 18 years old
(2) Having completed the basic educational courses for not less than 6 years or equivalent
(3) Having seagoing services or training, as follows:
(3.1) Having seagoing services in the Engine Department on ships powered by main propulsion machinery of 750 kW propulsion power or more for not less than 6 months; or
(3.2) Having completed the training courses for the rating forming part of an engineering watch on the approved seagoing ships and having a period of seagoing services in the Engine Department on ship powered by main propulsion machinery of 750 kW propulsion power or more for not less than 2 months;
(4) Seagoing services under (3) must have the performance of guards of the Engine Department under the supervision of chief engineer officers or second engineer officers and shall record the training in the training record books.
(5) Having competency under the standard of competency for the rating forming part of an engineering watch as prescribed in Table A-3/4 annexed to the code as per the announcement of the Director-General.
Clause 78 An applicant for a certificate of proficiency (CoP) of the rating as able seafarer engine must have qualifications in addition to those prescribed in Clause 31,
as follows:
(1) Aged not lower than 18 years old
(2) Holding a certificate of proficiency (CoP) of the rating forming part of
an engineering watch
(3) Having seagoing services, as follows:
(3.1) Having seagoing services in the Engine Department on ships powered by main propulsion machinery of 750 kW propulsion power or more for not less than 12 months at the time of holding certificate under (2); or
(3.2) Having seagoing services in the Engine Department on ships powered by main propulsion machinery of 750 kW propulsion power or more for not less than 6 months at the time of holding certificate under (2); and having completed the training courses for the rating as able seafarer engine of the approved seagoing ships.
(4) Having competency under the standard of competency for the rating as able seafarer engine as prescribed in Table A-3/5 annexed to the code as per the announcement of the Director-General.
Clause 79 An applicant for a certificate of competency (CoC) of the electro-technical officer must have qualifications in addition to those prescribed in Clause 31, as follows:
(1) Aged not lower than 18 years old
(2) Having completed the basic educational courses for not less than 12 years or equivalent
(3) Having seagoing services or training, as follows:
(3.1) Having completed the workshop skills training and seagoing services in the Engine Department on ships powered by main propulsion machinery of 750 kW propulsion power or more with the total period of both sessions of not less than 12 months, included in the approved educational and training courses and such seagoing services shall record the training in the training record books for not less than 6 months; or
(3.2) Having completed the workshop skills training and seagoing services in the Engine Department on ships powered by main propulsion machinery of 750 kW propulsion power or more with the total period of both sessions of not less than 36 months; whereas, during such period of time, the applicant shall perform duties in the Engine Department for not less than 30 months and must record the service in the In-Service Record Book for at least 6 months;
(4) Having completed the educational and training courses for the electro-technical officer approved under the standard of not lower than those prescribed in Table A-3/6 annexed to the code as per the announcement of the Director-General.
(5) Having attained educational and training courses as prescribed in Clause 71(6)
(6) Having competency under the standard of competency for the electro-technical officer as prescribed in Table A-3/6 annexed to the code as per the announcement of the Director-General.
Clause 80 An applicant for a certificate of proficiency (CoP) of the electro-technical rating must have qualifications in addition to those prescribed in Clause 31, as follows:
(1) Aged not lower than 18 years old
(2) Having completed the basic educational courses for not less than 9 years or equivalent
(3) Having seagoing services or training, as follows:
(3.1) Having seagoing services in the Engine Department on ships powered by main propulsion machinery of 750 kW propulsion power or more for not less than 12 months; or
(3.2) Having completed the training courses for the approved electro-technical rating and having seagoing services in the Engine Department on ship powered by main propulsion machinery of 750 kW propulsion power or more for not less than 6 months; or
(3.3) Having electric or electronic academic degree of not lower than the standard of competency as per Table A-3/7 annexed to the code as prescribed by the Director - General and having seagoing services in the Engine Department on ship powered by main propulsion machinery of 750 kW propulsion power or more for not less than 3 months;
(4) Having competency under the standard of competency for the electro-technical rating as per Table A-3/7 annexed to the code as per the announcement of the Director-General.
GMDSS Radio Operator
Clause 81 An applicant for a certificate of endorsement (CoE) of GMDSS Radio Operator must have qualifications in addition to those prescribed in Clause 31, as follows:
(1) Aged not lower than 18 years old
(2) Having completed the training program of the Global Maritime Distress and Safety System (GMDSS) for the General Operator Certificate (GOC) or Restricted Operator Certificate (ROC) approved by the Director-General or the National Broadcasting and Telecommunications Commission under the standard of not lower than those prescribed in Table A-4/2 annexed to the code as per the announcement of the Director-General.
(3) Having competency under the standard of competency of GMDSS Radio Operator for the General Operator Certificate (GOC) or Restricted Operator Certificate (ROC) evaluated by the Marine Department or the National Broadcasting and Telecommunications Commission as prescribed in Table A-4/2 annexed to the code as per the announcement of the Director-General.
Clause 82 Certain types of ships including:
(1) Oil tanker
(2) Chemical tanker
(3) Gas tanker
(4) Passenger ship
(5) Ro-Ro passenger ship
(6) Ships using Gases or other Low-flashpoint Fuels
(7) Ships operating in polar waters
Clause 83 Ship master, ship officers and ratings who have been assigned with duties and responsibilities relating to cargo and cargo equipment, passengers on certain types of ships must hold a certificate of proficiency (CoP) or a certificate of endorsement (CoE) as may be suitable for such types of ships.
Clause 84 A certificate of proficiency (CoP) or a certificate of endorsement (CoE) for certain types of ships shall be as follows:
(1) Basic training for oil and chemical tanker cargo operations
(2) Basic training for liquefied gas tanker cargo operations
(3) Basic training for Ships using Gases or other Low-flashpoint Fuels
(4) Basic training for ships operating in polar water
(5) Advanced training for oil tanker cargo operations
(6) Advanced training for chemical tanker cargo operations
(7) Advanced training for liquefied gas tanker cargo operations
(8) Advanced training for Ships using Gases or other Low-flashpoint Fuels
(9) Advanced training for ships operating in polar water
(10) Safety training for personnel providing direct service to passengers in passenger spaces
(11) Passenger ship crowd management
(12) Crisis management and human behavior
(13) Passenger safety, cargo safety and hull integrity
Clause 85 Ship officers and ratings who have been assigned with duties and responsibilities relating to cargo and cargo equipment on oil tankers or chemical tankers must hold a certificate of proficiency (CoP) or a certificate of endorsement (CoE) of basic training for oil and chemical tanker cargo operations.
Clause 86 An applicant for a certificate of proficiency (CoP) or a certificate of endorsement (CoE) of basic training for oil and chemical tanker cargo operations must have qualifications in addition to those prescribed in Clause 31, as follows:
(1) Holding a certificate of basic safety training
(2) Having seagoing services or training, as follows:
(2.1) Having seagoing services on oil or chemical tankers for not less than 3 months with performance of duties relating to operation of ships and safety of onboard operation as prescribed in Table A-5/1-1-1 annexed to the code as per the announcement of the Director-General or
(2.2) Holding a certificate of the basic training for oil and chemical tanker cargo operations approved under the standard of not lower than those prescribed in Table A-5/1-1-1 annexed to the code as per the announcement of the Director-General.
Clause 87 Ship master, chief engineer officers, chief mates, second engineer officers, including ship crews in other positions with duties and responsibilities relating to loading and discharging, care in transit, or tank cleaning, or other cargo-related operations on oil tankers must hold a certificate of proficiency (CoP) or a certificate of endorsement (CoE) of advanced training for oil tanker cargo operations.
Clause 88 An applicant for a certificate of proficiency (CoP) or a certificate of endorsement (CoE) of advanced training for oil tanker cargo operations must have qualifications in addition to those prescribed in Clause 31, as follows:
(1) Holding a certificate of proficiency (CoP) or a certificate of endorsement (CoE) of basic training for oil and chemical tanker cargo operations.
(2) Having seagoing services on oil tankers for not less than 3 months at the time of holding a certificate under (1)
(3) Having completed the advanced training for oil tanker cargo operations approved under the standard of not lower than those prescribed in Table A-5/1-1-2 annexed to the code as per the announcement of the Director-General.
Clause 89 Ship master, chief engineer officers, chief mates, second engineer officers, including ship crews in other positions with duties and responsibilities relating to loading and discharging, care in transit, or tank cleaning, or other cargo-related operations on chemical tankers must hold a certificate of proficiency (CoP) or a certificate of endorsement (CoE) of advanced training for chemical tanker cargo operations.
Clause 90 An applicant for a certificate of proficiency (CoP) or a certificate of endorsement (CoE) of advanced training for chemical tanker cargo operations must have qualifications in addition to those prescribed in Clause 31, as follows:
(1) Holding a certificate of proficiency (CoP) or a certificate of endorsement (CoE) of basic training for oil and chemical tanker cargo operations.
(2) Having seagoing services on chemical tankers for not less than 3 months at the time of holding a certificate under (1)
(3) Having completed the advanced training for chemical tanker cargo operations approved under the standard of not lower than those prescribed in Table A-5/1-1-3 annexed to the code as per the announcement of the Director-General.
Clause 91 Ship officers and ratings who have been assigned with duties and responsibilities relating to cargo and cargo equipment on liquefied gas tankers must hold a certificate of proficiency (CoP) or a certificate of endorsement (CoE) of basic training for liquefied gas tanker cargo operations.
Clause 92 An applicant for a certificate of proficiency (CoP) or a certificate of endorsement (CoE) of basic training for liquefied gas tanker cargo operations must have qualifications in addition to those prescribed in Clause 31, as follows:
(1) Holding a certificate of basic safety training
(2) Having seagoing services or training, as follows:
(2.1) Having seagoing services on liquefied gas tankers for not less than 3 months with performance of duties relating to safety of operation on liquefied gas tankers as prescribed in Table A-5/1-2-1 annexed to the code as per the announcement of the Director-General or
(2.2) Having completed the basic training for liquefied gas tanker cargo operations approved under the standard of not lower than those prescribed in Table A-5/1-2-1 annexed to the code as per the announcement of the Director-General.
Clause 93 Ship master, chief engineer officers, chief mates, second engineer officers, including ship crews in other positions with duties and responsibilities relating to loading and discharging, care in transit, or tank cleaning, or other cargo-related operations on liquefied gas tankers must hold a certificate of proficiency (CoP) or a certificate of endorsement (CoE) of advanced training for liquefied gas tanker cargo operations.
Clause 94 An applicant for a certificate of proficiency (CoP) or a certificate of endorsement (CoE) of advanced training for liquefied gas tanker cargo operations must have qualifications in addition to those prescribed in Clause 31, as follows:
(1) Holding a certificate of proficiency (CoP) or a certificate of endorsement (CoE) of basic training for liquefied gas tanker cargo operations.
(2) Having seagoing services on liquefied gas tankers for not less than 3 months at the time of holding a certificate under (1)
(3) Having completed the advanced training for liquefied gas tanker cargo operations approved under the standard of not lower than those prescribed in Table A-5/1-2-2 annexed to the code as per the announcement of the Director-General.
Clause 95 Those who directly provide services to passengers in the passenger spaces must hold a certificate of proficiency (CoP) or a certificate of endorsement (CoE) Safety training for those who directly provide services to passengers in passenger spaces
Clause 96 An applicant for a certificate of proficiency (CoP) or a certificate of endorsement (CoE) of safety for directly providing services to passengers in the passenger spaces must have qualifications in addition to those prescribed in Clause 31 and must hold certificate of approved educational and training courses of safety training for personnel providing direct service to passengers in passenger spaces, which, must at least include;
(1) Safety training for those who directly provide services to passengers in passenger spaces
(1.1) Communication in emergency situation
(1.2) Life-saving appliances
(1.3) Embarkation procedure
(2) Safety training in passenger spaces
(2.1) loading and embarkation procedure
(2.2) carriage of dangerous goods
(2.3) securing cargo
(2.4) Stability, trim and stress calculation
Clause 97 Ship master, ship officers, ratings under chapter 2 and 3 and those who assigned to the muster lists to assist the passengers in emergency situations on passenger ships must hold a certificate of proficiency (CoP) or a certificate of endorsement (CoE) of crowd management.
Clause 98 An applicant for a certificate of proficiency (CoP) or a certificate of endorsement (CoE) of Passenger ship crowd management must have qualifications as prescribed in Clause 31 and must have completed the approved Passenger ship crowd management training program under the standard of not lower than those prescribed in Table A-5/2-1 annexed to the code as per the announcement of the Director-General.
Clause 99 Ship master, chief engineer officers, chief mates, second engineer officers, including ship crews in other positions assigned to the muster lists with the responsibilities of the safety of passengers in emergency situations on passenger ships must hold a certificate of proficiency (CoP) or a certificate of endorsement (CoE) of crisis management and human behavior.
Clause 100 An applicant for a certificate of proficiency (CoP) or a certificate of endorsement (CoE) of crisis management and human behavior must have qualifications as prescribed in Clause 31 and must have a certificate of the training program of crisis management and human behavior approved under the standard of not lower than those prescribed in Table A-5/2-2 annexed to the code as per the announcement of the Director-General.
Clause 101 Ship master, chief mates, chief engineer officers, second engineer officers, including ship crews in other positions who are assigned with duties relating to embarking and disembarking of passengers, loading and discharging of cargo or securing of cargo or closing of hull opening on ro-ro passenger ships must hold a certificate of proficiency (CoP) or a certificate of endorsement (CoE) of passenger safety, cargo safety and hull integrity.
Clause 102 An applicant for a certificate of proficiency (CoP) or a certificate of endorsement (CoE) of passenger safety, cargo safety and hull integrity must have qualifications as prescribed in Clause 31 and must have a certificate of approved passenger safety, cargo safety and hull integrity training program which shall at least have the content relating to loading and embarkation procedures, carriage of dangerous goods, securing of goods, stability, trim and stress calculation, opening, closing and securing of hull opening, observation of ro-ro deck atmosphere.
Clause 103 Ship master, ship officers, ratings and ship crews in other positions operating on Ships Using Gases Or Other Low-Flashpoint Fuels must hold a certificate of proficiency (CoP) or a certificate of endorsement (CoE) of Basic training for Ships using Gases or other Low-flashpoint Fuels
Clause 104 An applicant for a certificate of proficiency (CoP) or a certificate of endorsement (CoE) of Basic training for Ships using Gases or other Low-flashpoint Fuels must have qualifications in addition to those prescribed in Clause 31, as follows:
(1) Holding a certificate of basic safety training
(2) Having seagoing services or training, as follows:
(2.1) Holding a certificate of the basic training for Ships using Gases or other Low-flashpoint Fuels approved under the standard of not lower than those prescribed in Table A-5/3-1 annexed to the code as per the announcement of the Director-General.
(2.2) Holding a certificate of proficiency (CoP) or a certificate of endorsement (CoE) of Basic training for liquefied gas tanker cargo operations or
(2.3) Holding a certificate of proficiency (CoP) or a certificate of endorsement (CoE) of Advanced training for liquefied gas tanker cargo operations.
Clause 105 Ship master, chief engineer officers, chief mates, second engineer officers, including ship crews in other positions with duties and responsibilities relating to the usage of fuel and fuel system operations on Ships using Gases or other Low-flashpoint Fuels must hold a certificate of proficiency (CoP) or a certificate of endorsement (CoE) of Advanced training for Ships using Gases or other Low-flashpoint Fuels.
Clause 106 An applicant for a certificate of proficiency (CoP) or a certificate of endorsement (CoE) of Ships using Gases or other Low-flashpoint Fuels must have qualifications in addition to those prescribed in Clause 31, as follows;
(1) Holding a certificate of proficiency (CoP) or a certificate of endorsement (CoE) of Basic training for Ships using Gases or other Low-flashpoint Fuel; and
(2) Holding a certificate of training (CoT) of advanced training for Ships using Gases or other Low-flashpoint Fuels approved under the standard of not lower than those prescribed in Table A-5/3-2 annexed to the code as per the announcement of the Director-General and
(2.1) Having seagoing services on Ships using Gases or other Low-flashpoint Fuels for not less than 1 month and
(2.2) Having sea going services on bunker operations at least 3 times on Ships using Gases or other Low-flashpoint Fuels or having 2 out of 3 times training with simulation training equipment of bunker operations which is part of the training under (2)
Clause 107 Ship master, chief engineer officers, second engineer officers, officer of Engine Department, including ship crews in other positions with duties and responsibilities relating to the usage of fuel and fuel system operations on Ships using Gases, who has held a certificate of advanced training for liquefied gas tanker cargo operations shall be considered to be qualified for advanced training for Ships using Gases or other Low-flashpoint Fuels under the following conditions;
Having qualifications under clause 106 and
Having qualifications under provisions of bunker operations or
participated in cargo-related operations on liquefied gas tankers at least 3 times and
(3) Having seagoing services of 5 years prior to at last 3 months prior to the operation in the following ships;
(3.1) Ships under the International Code of Safety for Ships using Gases or other Low-flashpoint Fuels (IGF Code)
(3.2) Liquid bulk cargoes carrying fuels under the International Code of Safety for Ships using Gases or other Low-flashpoint Fuels (IGF Code)
(3.3) Ships using Gases or other Low-flashpoint Fuels
Clause 108 Ship master, chief mate and ship officers of deck department operate in Ships Operating in Polar Waters must hold a certificate of basic training for ships operating in polar water as prescribed in the International Code for Ships Operating in Polar Waters (Polar Code).
Clause 109 An applicant for certificate of basic ships operating in polar waters must have qualifications in addition to those prescribed in Clause 31, as follows:
(1) Holding a certificate of basic safety training
(2) Holding a certificate of training (CoT) of basic training for ships operating in polar waters approved under the standard of not lower than those prescribed in Table A-5/4-1 annexed to the code as per the announcement of the Director-General.
Clause 110 Ship master and chief mate operating in ships operating in polar waters must hold a certificate of advanced ships operating in polar waters as prescribed in the International Code for Ships Operating in Polar Waters (Polar Code).
Clause 111 An applicant for certificate of advanced ships operating in polar waters must have qualifications in addition to those prescribed in Clause 31, as follows:
(1) Holding a certificate of basic training for ships operating in polar waters
(2) Having seagoing services of at least 2 years at the management level or a navigational watch on the bridge or at the operational level in ships operating in polar waters or other equivalents of such seagoing services.
(3) Holding a certificate of training (CoT) of Advanced training for ships operating in polar waters which approved under the standard of not lower than those prescribed in Table A-5/4-2 annexed to the code as per the announcement of the Director-General.
Clause 112 Ship crews in all positions must have the following qualifications:
(1) Receive training on safety familiarization for onboard operations as prescribed by the Director-General
(2) Receive basic safety training courses
Clause 113 Basic safety training courses attendee must hold a certificate of proficiency (CoP) in order to show that the certificate holder has a certificate of training (CoT) of such basic safety training courses.
Clause 114 Basic safety training courses for ship crews in all positions must consist of training courses, as follows:
(1) Personal survival techniques
(2) Fire prevention and firefighting
(3) Elementary first aid
(4) Personal safety and social responsibilities
Details of training courses under Paragraph 1 shall be in accordance with those prescribed in Table A-6/1-1, Table A-6/1-2, Table A-6/1-3, and Table A-6/1-4 annexed to the code as prescribed by the Director General.
Clause 115 An applicant for a certificate of proficiency (CoP) on basic safety training shall have qualifications in addition to those prescribed in Clause 31, as follows:
(1) Aged not lower than 16 years old
(2) Holding a certificate of training (CoT) of the approved basic safety training program courses
Clause 116 Ship crews who have been assigned to perform duties of releasing or stationing on survival crafts or rescue boats other than fast rescue boats must hold a certificate of proficiency (CoP) on survival craft and rescue boats other than fast rescue boats.
Clause 117 An applicant for a certificate of proficiency (CoP) on survival craft and rescue boats other than fast rescue boats must have qualifications in addition to those prescribed in Clause 31, as follows:
(1) Aged not lower than 18 years old
(2) Having seagoing services on ships of 500 gross tonnage or more for not less than 6 months
(3) Holding a certificate of training (CoT) of training program on survival craft and rescue boats other than fast rescue boats approved under the standard of not lower than those prescribed in Table A-6/2-1 annexed to the code as per the announcement of the Director-General.
Clause 118 An applicant for a certificate of proficiency (CoP) on fast rescue boats must have qualifications in addition to those prescribed in Clause 31, as follows:
(1) Holding a certificate of proficiency (CoP) on survival craft and rescue boats other than fast rescue boats; and
(2) Holding a certificate of training (CoT) of the training program on fast rescue boats approved under the standard of not lower than those prescribed in Table A-6/2-2 annexed to the code as per the announcement of the Director-General.
Clause 119 Ship crews who have been assign to firefighting operation must hold a certificate of training courses of advanced firefighting and ship crews who have been assigned to supervise firefighting operation must have completed the advanced firefighting training program and shall hold a certificate of proficiency (CoP) on advanced firefighting operation.
Clause 120 An applicant for a certificate of proficiency (CoP) on advanced firefighting operation must have qualifications in addition to those prescribed in Clause 31, as follows:
(1) Aged not lower than 18 years old
(2) Holding a certificate of training (CoT) of advanced firefighting training program approved under the standard of not lower than those prescribed in Table A-6/3 annexed to the code as per the announcement of the Director-General.
Clause 121 Ship crews who have been assigned for medical first aid operation must hold a certificate of proficiency (CoP) on medical first aid operation.
Clause 122 An applicant for a certificate of proficiency (CoP) on medical first aid operation must have qualifications in addition to those prescribed in Clause 31, as follows:
(1) Aged not lower than 18 years old
(2) Holding a certificate of training (CoT) of medical first aid operation program approved under the standard of not lower than those prescribed in Table A-6/4-1 annexed to the code as per the announcement of the Director-General.
Clause 123 Ship crews who have been assigned for medical care operation must hold a certificate of proficiency (CoP) on medical care operation.
Clause 124 An applicant for a certificate of proficiency (CoP) on medical care operation must have qualifications in addition to those prescribed in Clause 31, as follows:
(1) Aged not lower than 18 years old
(2) Holding a certificate of training (CoT) of medical care operation program approved under the standard of not lower than those prescribed in Table A-6/4-2 annexed to the code as per the announcement of the Director-General.
Clause 125 Ship crews who have been assigned for ship security officers operation shall hold a certificate of proficiency (CoP) on ship security officers operation.
Clause 126 An applicant for a certificate of proficiency (CoP) on ship security officers operation must have qualifications in addition to those prescribed in Clause 31, as follows:
(1) Aged not lower than 18 years old
(2) Having seagoing services on ships of 500 gross tonnage or more for not less than 12 months
(3) Holding a certificate of training (CoT) of ship security officers operation program approved under the standard of not lower than those prescribed in Table A-6/5 annexed to the code as per the announcement of the Director-General.
Clause 127 Ship crews in all positions must:
(1) Receive training on safety familiarization for onboard operations as prescribed by the Director-General
(2) Receive the approved basic safety training program in ships under the standard of not lower than those prescribed in Table A-6/6-1 annexed to the code as per the announcement of the Director-General.
Clause 128 Those who complete the basic safety training course must hold a certificate of proficiency (CoP) in order to show that the certificate holder a certificate of training (CoT) of such basic training program.
Clause 129 An applicant for a certificate of proficiency (CoP) on basic safety training must have qualifications in addition to those prescribed in Clause 31, as follows:
(1) Aged not lower than 16 years old
(2) Holding a certificate of training (CoT) of basic safety training program approved under the standard of not lower than those prescribed in Table A-6/6-1 annexed to the code as prescribed by the Director-General.
Clause 130 Ship crews who have been assigned for ship security duties must have a a certificate of proficiency (CoP) of ship security officers.
Clause 131 An applicant for a certificate of proficiency (CoP) of ship security officers must have qualifications in addition to those prescribed in Clause 31, as follows:
(1) Aged not lower than 18 years old
(2) Holding a certificate of training (CoT) of ship security officers training courses approved under the standard of not lower than those prescribed in Table A-6/6-2 annexed to the code as per the announcement of the Director-General.
Clause 132 All certificates issued, renewed or issued a replacement in accordance with the Regulations of the Marine Department on Training, Examination and Certification for Seafarers 2557 B.E. (2014), shall be regarded as certificates which are issued, renewed or replacements hereof and shall be valid until the expiry date of the certificate.
Clause 133 Competency examination results applied in accordance with the Regulations of the Marine Department on Training, Examination and Certification for Seafarers 2557 B.E (2014), shall be Competency examination results hereof.
Clause 134 Training Institutes and training courses approved in accordance with the Regulations of the Marine Department on Training, Examination and Certification for Seafarers 2557 B.E (2014), shall be Training Institutes and training courses hereof.
Clause 135 All certificates of training courses approved as per the Regulations of the Marine Department Governing Training, Test of Knowledge and Issuing of Certificate of Ship Crews B.E.2541 (1998) and its amendments and the Regulations of the Marine Department on Training, Examination and Certification for Seafarers 2557 B.E (2014), shall be certificates of training courses hereof.
Clause 136 All crew agreements, training record books and In-Service Record Books issued in accordance with the Regulations of the Marine Department on Training, Examination and Certification for Seafarers 2557 B.E. (2014), shall be regarded as crew agreements, training record books and In-Service Record hereof.
Clause 137 All regulations, announcements or orders of the Director-General or the Seafarers Examination and Assessment Steering Committee, Training Course Standard Committee and Seafarers Examination and Assessment Committees for Deck Department or Engine Department issued in accordance with the provisions contained in the Regulations of the Marine Department on Training, Examination and Certification for Seafarers 2557 B.E. (2014) shall still be enforced insofar as they are not contrary to or inconsistent with the provisions hereof.
Announced on February 2022
Mr. Anon Luangboriboon
Deputy Permanent Secretary
Acting Director General
of Marine Department